Coaches see blind spots you might not notice. They help you unlock your inner wisdom.

Eric Schmidt. Former CEO of Google.

The coaching process.



We clarify the outcome you want and how you will know that you have reached it.  It’s 90 minute meeting where we discuss and get to know each other better.  We also establish the ground rules for our relationship and clarify mutual expectations.


We use coaching tools and approaches to enhance and speed up your learning.  We normally do this in the first part of our coaching relationship so that we can use these learnings in later sessions.


We will meet every 2 weeks until the end of the agreed coaching assignment.  These meetings can take place either in person, by phone or on Zoom.


We’ll review progress half-way through and reset goals.  And on completion we’ll review what you’ve learned and how to sustain those learnings in future.



I offer 3 month, 6 month and 9 month packages.

We meet twice a month on Google Meet.

The first session is the Discovery session

which is 90 minutes. Subsequent sessions are 45 minutes.


My principles.

There is no judgment

I will provide a safe space for you

Everything is confidential

I will support you through change

I coach the whole person

You have everything you need

Let’s enjoy ourselves!


My professional qualifications

& memberships

ICF ACC - My ICF profile

NLP Master Practitioner

Co-Active Coach - from The Coach Training Institute

ANLP - Member of The Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming